Covid-19 and Nursing Homes: How the Pandemic Affects Seniors

Covid-19 and Nursing Homes

The Covid-19 pandemic is greatly affecting many communities across the country, especially those containing populations of aging and elderly individuals. Senior citizens and those living in senior living facilities may be one of the most vulnerable groups that can be negatively affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. Some centers, such as the Life Care Center in Washington, have already seen the deadly effects of Covid-19 exposure.

Unfortunately, the pandemic is spreading throughout Kentucky and many families are now concerned for the health and safety of their aging loved ones for a variety of reasons. As stress on staff from the effects of the virus increases, the quality of care at facilities might be impacted. During this time, families must maintain communication with their members who are living in retirement and nursing home communities in order to monitor any negative changes. When someone you know suffers an injury, it is important to know the options and resources available to local nursing homes residents. If you or a family member are currently in an elderly care facility, the following considerations are important to keep in mind as the virus spreads across Kentucky.

Can I Still Visit a Loved One in a Nursing Home?

Kentucky’s Governor, Andy Beshear, recommended nursing homes and other elderly care facilities restrict visitors to proactively stop the spread of Covid-19. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) also recommended nursing homes restrict many non-essential interactions. This includes decreasing visitations and group activities at these facilities in every state across the country. Many nursing homes and care centers in Kentucky are providing alternative means for communication, such as phone calls, video chats, and other digital communication.

This mandate means the general public, friends, and family members are not going to be allowed into nursing homes for visits. The attempt or violation of Governor Beshear’s recommendation could result in consequences for the individual. In other states, people who violate similar social distancing recommendations from the government are opening themselves to fines and even incarceration.

Resources for Those Who Suspect Elder Abuse

Despite heightened awareness of the problems facing nursing homes and their residents, the enacted protections mentioned above do not stop abuse from occurring. Many loved ones in elderly care facilities may still face difficulties resulting from elder abuse during the weeks in months ahead. This could become especially problematic at facilities with staff who are stretched thin due to sick leave and additional restrictions.

Elder abuse can take many forms, including neglect, physical abuse, and financial exploitation. The experienced attorneys at Becker Law Office created multiple resources for individuals suspecting abuse, including how to identify elder abuse and a free guide to provide more information on nursing homes.

Can I Still Take Legal Action During the Covid-19 Pandemic?

Becker Law Office is currently open. We provide communication to current and potential clients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are permitted to continue operations during a pandemic because most law firms are considered an ‘essential business,’ meaning they are allowed to operate during the Coronavirus pandemic. Our legal team at Becker Law Office uses advanced technology to conduct day-to-day operations. This allows client meetings to occur online and over the phone so we can continuously fight for the rights of individuals during the Covid-19 pandemic without causing further health risks.

In cases where in-person meetings with clients are required, you may still schedule an appointment with a Becker Law Office attorney. As a proactive measure, our legal team and potential clients are asked to screen themselves for Covid-19 symptoms prior to meeting. Click here to read more about the proactive steps our team is taking to protect the health of clients and staff.

Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Today

Protecting elderly loved ones from abuse can be an overwhelming task for an individual to do alone. Our Kentucky personal injury attorneys have over 30 years of experience defending the rights of senior citizens and other individuals who were injured due to the negligent actions of others. Contact the Becker Law Office today to learn how a skilled personal injury attorney could help your case.