Telehealth Brings VA Services Closer to Where Veterans Live

Current Veterans Affairs Healthcare

Getting to a Veterans Affairs (VA) medical center for treatment can be difficult for veterans who are disabled and for those who live in rural areas far from a VA hospital. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for this to be the case in rural areas of Kentucky, Tennessee and other states. Once a veteran has arrived at a VA medical center, the wait times can be significant. Individuals may be forced to wait for another hour or longer to see a doctor or health care provider. The long drive to the closest VA medical center and the long wait to meet with a medical professional can add up to an entire day spent seeking medical attention.

According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the VA is the largest integrated healthcare system, providing care at 1,243 healthcare facilities and ultimately serving 9 million veterans each year. The sheer number of veterans in the United States means that those in rural communities drive long distances to seek medical attention and consultation from the nearest VA healthcare provider.

Fortunately, Telehealth technology is a great way of bringing veterans closer to the clinic’ without having to leave their local community. It uses innovations in computer technology to improve the way healthcare services are delivered to veterans and remove barriers to receiving proper care.

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth is an innovative telecommunications technology that makes access to healthcare professionals easier for veterans who are disabled and for those who do not live near a VA medical center. Telehealth utilizes special cameras and computer monitors to connect veterans with their healthcare professional at the nearest VA medical center.

Telehealth is similar to Skype or FaceTime. It allows veterans and their healthcare professionals to communicate in a real-time video conference.

How Will it be Used?

Telehealth technology in currently in use in multiple locations in Kentucky. For example, the Cumberland River Comprehensive Care Center in Corbin, Kentucky uses Telehealth to connect veterans via computer video conference with VA medical professionals at the Lexington Veterans Administration Medical Center.

The Telehealth center is designed to provide some of the services that a VA medical center also offers. Services provided at a Telehealth center include nutrition, dermatology, mental health counseling, smoking cessation, and diabetes.

Innovators are hoping to expand Telehealth to other rural communities. Some Telehealth centers are located in local libraries, offering private video conference rooms and the same technology offered at Telehealth centers.

At Becker Law Office, we understand how hard it may be to travel to a VA medical center particularly for disabled veterans. We are excited about the services offered through Telehealth.

We have proudly helped veterans in Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, and Tennessee obtain all the benefits to which they were entitled.

Current VA Disability Roadblocks

Veterans may be eligible for tax-free disability compensation for injuries or diseases they acquired while serving on active duty. Veteran’s disability compensation benefits are available for those who are at least 10% disabled from either physical or mental conditions or both. Veterans also may qualify for disability benefits if their service in the military made worse an existing injury or disease.

Veterans may run into roadblocks when it comes to obtaining disability benefits. Common obstructions include the following:

  • Lengthy wait times ‘ Receiving and processing a VA disability claim can be a lengthy process. With the help of an attorney, you can do everything in your power to avoid delays by making sure your application is accurate and correct.
  • Inappropriate denial of claims ‘ Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental-health related issues are experiencing a tougher time getting their claims approved because these conditions are hard to prove.
  • Incorrectly assuming an injury was not sustained during service ‘ The VA may assert that your injury or problem is not service-related. Certain conditions and diseases are presumed to have been caused by military service, and veterans who served in combat zones during specific periods of time are presumed to have been exposed.
  • Processing errors ‘ Backlogs and misplaced claims are not an excuse for your disability claim to be denied or even improperly delayed.
  • Lower disability rating ‘ When you are being evaluated for veterans’ disability benefits, you are given a rating based on your injuries. The rating depends on how severe your injuries are and your disability symptoms. The VA may assign you a lower rating than you deserve to keep you from receiving sufficient benefits. Veterans often need a high disability rating to receive benefits at all.

As you can see, there are many obstacles for veterans seeking disability. At Becker Law Office, our goal is to protect the rights of our clients.

If you or a loved one has sustained an injury during active duty and you have been denied disability benefits or you have questions about obtaining benefits, contact Becker Law Office to discuss your case.

Contact Our VA Disability lawyers for Help

If you or a loved one has sustained a disability while on active duty, you may seek disability benefits from the Veterans Administration. Let our experienced disability claims attorneys help you file your application.

We know how much these benefits mean to you and your family, so we will work hard on your behalf to help you secure the benefits you are owed. Our team appreciates the service and sacrifices you’ve made for our country, and we are ready to fight on your behalf to help you obtain your full benefits. Contact an experienced VA disability lawyer at Becker Law Office today at (888) 517-2321.

Tag: Telehealth Brings VA Services Closer to Where Veterans Live