Expired Prescription Drugs? National Prescription Take-Back Day is April 27th

The 16th Annual National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day is this Saturday, April 22, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Drug Enforcement Agency will sponsor the collection day along with state and local officials who hope to draw attention to the growing problem of prescription drug abuse.

Prescription drug abuse is reaching epidemic proportions in our country, and affecting people from all demographics and economic backgrounds. With that in mind, the DEA program goal is two-fold: one, to allow the public to safely remove unwanted, unused and expired drugs from their homes; and two, to educate the public about the dangers of prescription drug abuse.

In the first five years of this program, more than 1 ton of prescription drugs were safely destroyed and removed from access by someone for whom the medication was never intended.

Expired Prescription Medicines in KY

In Kentucky, it is illegal to possess or distribute expired prescription drugs. Expiration dates are placed on prescription drugs to ensure that the medication is still safe and effective to use. Once a medication expires, it may no longer be effective or may even be dangerous to use.

It is important to properly dispose of expired medications, which can be done by taking them to a drug take-back program or by following the disposal instructions on the medication packaging.

If you are found to be in possession of expired prescription drugs, you may face legal consequences. It is best to consult with a lawyer if you have any questions or concerns about expired prescriptions.

Collection sites are located throughout the country. Find the closest Take-Back collection site near you: www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov