Sun Safety: Tips for a Sunburn-Free Summer

It’s still “Don’t Fry Day”

This blog post encourages sun safety and supports the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention’s efforts to educate people on protecting their skin from sun exposure, providing helpful tips for staying safe in the sun during the summer season.

“Don’t Fry Day” is an annual campaign organized by the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention in the United States. It was established to raise awareness about the dangers of excessive sun exposure and promote sun safety measures to prevent skin damage and skin cancer. The campaign encourages individuals and families to take precautions and protect their skin while enjoying outdoor activities, especially during the summer season.

The hottest temperatures of the year are expected for tomorrow through the weekend, June 28 through July 1. You may be cooling off in a community pool, enjoying outdoor events, or boating, OR you may be a NASCAR fan attending the Quaker State 400 and other races this weekend. Whatever your choice of activity, Becker Law Office wants you to be safe in the sun this weekend and all summer long. So, here’s a fun phrase to help you and your family remember how to stay safe in the sun:

Slip! Slop! Slap! & Wrap!

The phrase “Slip! Slop! Slap! Wrap!” was created by the Cancer Council Australia, a leading cancer control organization in Australia. It was part of a sun protection campaign launched in the 1980s to raise awareness about the importance of sun safety and preventing skin cancer. The campaign aimed to promote simple and memorable actions that people could take to protect themselves from the sun’s harmful rays.

  • Slip on a shirt
  • Slop on sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher
  • Slap on a hat
  • Wrap on sunglasses

Becker Law Office encourages you and your family to call every day “Don’t Fry Day” – because May 25 (the official day) was just the beginning of summer. We support this effort by the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention to educate people on how to protect their skin in the sun and prevent skin cancer due to sun exposure. Have a safe and enjoyable summer fun and NASCAR weekend!