Don’t Allow Social Media to Ruin Your Car Accident Claim

You may think that telling your friends on Facebook and other social media sites about your car accident is harmless. Unfortunately, many people mistakenly believe that their social media profiles are private. The fact is that anything that you post on social media is public, and can be used as evidence against you if you file a claim or lawsuit. After you are injured, don’t allow careless comments on social media to ruin your car accident claim.

How Facebook Could Harm Your Car Accident Settlement

Posts on Facebook or other social media sites can quickly ruin your car accident claim. This is because what is posted on Facebook may not always be consistent with the information that you present to the insurance adjuster. Consider the following examples:

You are in a car wreck in Louisville that causes you and the other driver involved serious injuries. At the accident scene, and later when speaking with your insurance adjuster, you describe the accident in a way that suggests it was completely the fault of the other driver. Afterward on your Facebook page, you post an update about how you feel terrible for what you did to contribute to the accident. This could be used against you as an admission of fault, resulting in a reduction in compensation.

You are injured in an accident and seek medical care. You report to the insurance adjuster that you have suffered a broken leg and fractured rib, and will be unable to return to your labor-intensive job for a minimum of six weeks time. A few days later, you post a picture of yourself at the pool with your kids, and there is no cast to be seen. The photo can undermine your claim that you were injured, and damage your case.

It is a good idea to take an extended break from being active on social media after an accident.

Social Media Tips for Car Accident Victims

Assume that anything that you post on social media is public. “Social Media Can and Will Be Used Against You in Court,” published by Socialnomics, explains that once you choose to share content, it becomes public information. That means that an insurance adjuster can both view it and use it against you if they find a reason to do so. Some social media tips for car accident victims include:

  • Set all your social media profiles to private;
  • Do not add any new friends whom you do not know;
  • Take a break from posting on social media;
  • Refrain from posting pictures or status updates;
  • Temporarily suspend social media accounts if possible.

A Louisville Car Accident Lawyer Can Guide Your After an Accident

You probably have questions about your legal rights after a car accident caused by another driver. You are probably curious about the car insurance claim’s process, how to recover compensation, and how much compensation you will receive. You may even have questions about how to file a lawsuit.

To guide you through all of these questions, the experienced car accident attorneys at the Becker Law Office are ready to talk. A consultation with one of our lawyers is always free, so what are you waiting for? Pick up the phone and call us today or use our online contact form to schedule your first appointment now.